Uw partner in duurzame energie

Comfort Zonnepanelen klanten krijgen een passend advies en een gegarandeerd resultaat. Samen met anderen die onze visie delen, leveren wij producten van uitstekende kwaliteit waarop je kunt bouwen en die er toe doen. Maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen is voor ons en onze toeleveranciers belangrijk. Het welzijn van mensen en dieren en de toekomst van onze kinderen staat bij ons voorop. Wij willen u graag verder helpen met een persoonlijk advies, toegespitst op uw eigen wensen en behoeften. We kijken niet alleen naar de montage van de zonnepanelen, maar ook of uw huidige installatie kan worden uitgebreid. Optioneel bieden wij ook monitoren aan waarmee u 24 uur per dag uw eigen energie productie kunt volgen.

Stroom van de zon

In één uur valt er meer zonne-energie op de aarde dan de gehele menselijke populatie in een jaar verbruikt. De jaarlijkse hoeveelheid zonne-energie die op de aarde neer komt is zelfs twee keer zo veel als alle energie die voortkomt uit alle fossiele brandstoffen (kolen, olie, gas, uranium) bij elkaar.

Met behulp van zonnepanelen kunnen we zonne-energie opvangen en omzetten in bruikbare elektriciteit. De omzetting van zonlicht naar elektrische spanning wordt een fotovoltaïsche reactie genoemd. Deze term – afkomstig van het Engelse Photo Voltaic – zorgt ervoor dat zonnepanelen ook wel PV-panelen worden genoemd.

Wilt u ook vrijblijvend een afspraak maken om de mogelijkheden te bespreken?

In een gratis en vrijblijvende afspraak willen we u graag adviseren over de technische mogelijkheden, de verwachte opbrengsten en uw terugverdientijd. We kunnen dan gelijk de grootte van het dak en oriëntatie opmeten. Daarna ontvangt u binnen een paar dagen uw persoonlijke advies en offerte. We kijken ernaar uit om samen met u te werken aan uw groene doelstelling.

Generated in 0.311527 seconds by CMS Made Simple using 18 SQL queries and 15067912 bytes of memory (peak memory usage was 15689880)

Debug: (2.4999999999997E-5) - (usage: 982400) - (peak: 989176)
done loading required files
Debug: (0.018534) - (usage: 994296) - (peak: 1005504)
loading adodb
Debug: (0.019962) - (usage: 1084576) - (peak: 1103392)
loading page functions
Debug: (0.021666) - (usage: 1223672) - (peak: 1278320)
loading content functions
Debug: (0.021958) - (usage: 1232368) - (peak: 1278320)
loading translation functions
Debug: (0.022245) - (usage: 1244560) - (peak: 1278320)
loading php4 entity decode functions
Debug: (0.023846) - (usage: 1481784) - (peak: 1582896)
done loading files
Debug: (0.023896) - (usage: 1482192) - (peak: 1582896)
Initialize Database
Debug: (0.032243) - (usage: 2149384) - (peak: 2166992)
(mysql): SET NAMES 'utf8'
Debug: (0.032308) - (usage: 2148344) - (peak: 2181952)
Done Initializing Database
Debug: (0.032337) - (usage: 2148600) - (peak: 2182080)
Initialize Smarty
Debug: (0.043901) - (usage: 3352184) - (peak: 3369488)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.Smarty_CMS.php = 1201640 bytes for an approximate total of 1201640
Debug: (0.044874) - (usage: 3427624) - (peak: 3445696)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.CMSModuleDbTemplateResource.php = 66320 bytes for an approximate total of 1267960
Debug: (0.045365) - (usage: 3463120) - (peak: 3483952)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.CMSPageTemplateResource.php = 34848 bytes for an approximate total of 1302808
Debug: (0.046098) - (usage: 3507568) - (peak: 3530592)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.usertagoperations.inc.php = 43616 bytes for an approximate total of 1346424
Debug: (0.048935) - (usage: 3511616) - (peak: 3542640)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_userplugins ORDER BY userplugin_name
Debug: (0.049419) - (usage: 3533920) - (peak: 3559648)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.cms_siteprefs.php = 20584 bytes for an approximate total of 1367008
Debug: (0.052443) - (usage: 3572248) - (peak: 3593536)
(mysql): SELECT sitepref_name,sitepref_value FROM cms_siteprefs
Debug: (0.053809) - (usage: 3666632) - (peak: 3789208)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.CMSContentTemplateResource.php = 19648 bytes for an approximate total of 1386656
Debug: (0.054095) - (usage: 3682888) - (peak: 3798440)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.CMSGlobalContentTemplateResource.php = 16056 bytes for an approximate total of 1402712
Debug: (0.0552) - (usage: 3687768) - (peak: 3812672)
Done Initialiing Smarty
Debug display of 'Loading Modules':(0.055263) - (usage: 3688240) - (peak: 3820312)
Debug: (0.057782) - (usage: 3931880) - (peak: 4036376)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.moduleoperations.inc.php = 242416 bytes for an approximate total of 1645128
Debug: (0.060005) - (usage: 3936752) - (peak: 4046808)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_modules ORDER BY module_name
Debug: (0.060505) - (usage: 3962544) - (peak: 4049880)
loading module Captcha
Debug: (0.066058) - (usage: 4624960) - (peak: 4674144)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.CMSModule.php = 468600 bytes for an approximate total of 2113728
Debug: (0.067117) - (usage: 4737832) - (peak: 4821128)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.CmsLangOperations.php = 41072 bytes for an approximate total of 2154800
Debug: (0.067289) - (usage: 4735688) - (peak: 4821128)
loading module CMSPrinting
Debug: (0.068227) - (usage: 4876432) - (peak: 4907192)
loading module FormBuilder
Debug: (0.071081) - (usage: 5200376) - (peak: 5228192)
loading module CMSMailer
Debug: (0.074116) - (usage: 5559696) - (peak: 5590696)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.CmsNlsOperations.php = 61256 bytes for an approximate total of 2216056
Debug: (0.075038) - (usage: 5606776) - (peak: 5638080)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.CmsNls.php = 31520 bytes for an approximate total of 2247576
Debug: (0.091079) - (usage: 6934400) - (peak: 7087696)
loading module Gallery
Debug: (0.092067) - (usage: 7117992) - (peak: 7256744)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.CmsRoute.php = 33016 bytes for an approximate total of 2280592
Debug: (0.092631) - (usage: 7185968) - (peak: 7323656)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.cms_route_manager.php = 66720 bytes for an approximate total of 2347312
Debug: (0.093024) - (usage: 7202272) - (peak: 7342864)
loading module GBFilePicker
Debug: (0.096195) - (usage: 7717016) - (peak: 7836304)
loading module MenuManager
Debug: (0.097234) - (usage: 7901144) - (peak: 8018960)
loading module Showtime
Debug: (0.097852) - (usage: 8018032) - (peak: 8132632)
loading module TinyMCE
Debug display of 'End of Loading Modules':(0.09961) - (usage: 8341112) - (peak: 8456032)
Debug: (0.099957) - (usage: 8369808) - (peak: 8487520)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.CmsRegularTaskHandler.php = 27648 bytes for an approximate total of 2374960
Debug: (0.10145) - (usage: 8549528) - (peak: 8657368)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.contentoperations.inc.php = 213008 bytes for an approximate total of 2587968
Debug: (0.102082) - (usage: 8578496) - (peak: 8688176)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.cms_content_cache.php = 27152 bytes for an approximate total of 2615120
Debug: (0.10498) - (usage: 8589496) - (peak: 8699168)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_alias = 'over-ons' AND active = 1 LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.105524) - (usage: 8630088) - (peak: 8739864)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.module_meta.php = 34248 bytes for an approximate total of 2649368
Debug: (0.109264) - (usage: 9146784) - (peak: 9257600)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.ContentBase.php = 395336 bytes for an approximate total of 3044704
Debug: (0.109346) - (usage: 9193488) - (peak: 9279400)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/contenttypes/Content.inc.php = 556120 bytes for an approximate total of 3600824
Debug: (0.111918) - (usage: 9224264) - (peak: 9296608)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '57'
Debug: (0.11261) - (usage: 9229832) - (peak: 9323048)
process template top
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_top:24 start':(0.112647) - (usage: 9230696) - (peak: 9334496)
Debug: (0.113388) - (usage: 9330088) - (peak: 9418792)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.Events.php = 97680 bytes for an approximate total of 3698504
Debug: (0.116134) - (usage: 9335720) - (peak: 9430560)
(mysql): SELECT eh.tag_name, eh.module_name, e.originator, e.event_name, eh.handler_order, eh.handler_id, eh.removable FROM cms_event_handlers eh
        INNER JOIN cms_events e ON e.event_id = eh.event_id
        ORDER BY eh.handler_order ASC
Debug: (0.117268) - (usage: 9458448) - (peak: 9539792)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.templateoperations.inc.php = 102256 bytes for an approximate total of 3800760
Debug: (0.118703) - (usage: 9465080) - (peak: 9551096)
(mysql): SELECT template_id, template_name, template_content, stylesheet, encoding, active, default_template, modified_date 
                      FROM cms_templates WHERE template_id = '24' LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.134325) - (usage: 12464384) - (peak: 12724464)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.CMS_Content_Block.php = 103440 bytes for an approximate total of 3904200
Debug display of 'Fetch content:content_en start':(0.140956) - (usage: 12627416) - (peak: 12865664)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:content_en end':(0.142293) - (usage: 12648400) - (peak: 12901088)
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_top:24 end':(0.142342) - (usage: 12628760) - (peak: 12901088)
Debug: (0.142361) - (usage: 12627872) - (peak: 12901088)
process template body
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_body:24 start':(0.142388) - (usage: 12628536) - (peak: 12901088)
Debug display of 'Start Load Smarty Plugin menu/function':(0.166552) - (usage: 12811680) - (peak: 13034456)
Debug: (0.166969) - (usage: 12864840) - (peak: 13082808)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.cms_module_smarty_plugin_manager.php = 51864 bytes for an approximate total of 3956064
Debug: (0.169246) - (usage: 12869128) - (peak: 13094592)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_module_smarty_plugins ORDER BY module
Debug: (0.170081) - (usage: 12921544) - (peak: 13142640)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.cms_utils.php = 43136 bytes for an approximate total of 3999200
Debug display of 'Start Load Smarty Plugin search/function':(0.178981) - (usage: 12950256) - (peak: 13170712)
Debug: (0.181056) - (usage: 13185496) - (peak: 13424224)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/modules/Search/Search.module.php = 230120 bytes for an approximate total of 4229320
Debug display of 'Start Load Smarty Plugin news/function':(0.195932) - (usage: 13236816) - (peak: 13484616)
Debug: (0.197457) - (usage: 13450920) - (peak: 13662728)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/modules/News/News.module.php = 209512 bytes for an approximate total of 4438832
Debug display of 'Fetch content:display_header_slider start':(0.249319) - (usage: 13545040) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:display_header_slider end':(0.250421) - (usage: 13560488) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:galleryfolder start':(0.250478) - (usage: 13577008) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:galleryfolder end':(0.251403) - (usage: 13592256) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:main_page_title start':(0.251458) - (usage: 13593152) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:main_page_title end':(0.252389) - (usage: 13608480) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:display_breadcrumbs start':(0.252458) - (usage: 13591112) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:display_breadcrumbs end':(0.253408) - (usage: 13606472) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:display_search start':(0.253457) - (usage: 13606096) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:display_search end':(0.254274) - (usage: 13621384) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:display_sidebar start':(0.254306) - (usage: 13621064) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:display_sidebar end':(0.254912) - (usage: 13636624) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:display_news start':(0.254946) - (usage: 13636272) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:display_news end':(0.255527) - (usage: 13651504) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:news_slider start':(0.255561) - (usage: 13651184) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:news_slider end':(0.256182) - (usage: 13666416) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:sidebar_title start':(0.256214) - (usage: 13665912) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:sidebar_title end':(0.256814) - (usage: 13681152) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:threeblocks start':(0.256848) - (usage: 13681024) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:threeblocks end':(0.257437) - (usage: 13696232) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:specialbox start':(0.257471) - (usage: 13695904) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:specialbox end':(0.258162) - (usage: 13711104) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:toptextblock start':(0.258197) - (usage: 13710288) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:toptextblock end':(0.258813) - (usage: 13725840) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:companyslogan start':(0.258921) - (usage: 13726432) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:companyslogan end':(0.259518) - (usage: 13741704) - (peak: 14029160)
Debug display of 'Start of Menu Manager Display':(0.260079) - (usage: 13818032) - (peak: 14067480)
Debug display of 'Start Loading Hierarchy Manager':(0.260099) - (usage: 13818416) - (peak: 14067480)
Debug display of 'starting tree':(0.260114) - (usage: 13819080) - (peak: 14067480)
Debug: (0.260871) - (usage: 13822512) - (peak: 14067480)
(mysql): SELECT modified_date FROM cms_content ORDER BY modified_date DESC LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.260975) - (usage: 13820504) - (peak: 14067480)
Content tree file needs loading
Debug: (0.261571) - (usage: 13923248) - (peak: 14141368)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.cms_tree.php = 35152 bytes for an approximate total of 4473984
Debug: (0.2616) - (usage: 13927096) - (peak: 14152168)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.cms_content_tree.php = 89520 bytes for an approximate total of 4563504
Debug display of 'ending tree':(0.261663) - (usage: 13943520) - (peak: 14179824)
Debug display of 'End Loading Hierarchy Manager':(0.261696) - (usage: 13940088) - (peak: 14179824)
Debug: (0.262384) - (usage: 13958464) - (peak: 14179824)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id NOT IN (57)
Debug: (0.263122) - (usage: 14274704) - (peak: 14480488)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/contenttypes/Link.inc.php = 71824 bytes for an approximate total of 4635328
Debug: (0.263495) - (usage: 14373528) - (peak: 14579168)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/contenttypes/PageLink.inc.php = 81520 bytes for an approximate total of 4716848
Debug: (0.265442) - (usage: 14569584) - (peak: 14833184)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '65'
Debug: (0.266442) - (usage: 14590808) - (peak: 14843728)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '82'
Debug: (0.267406) - (usage: 14612936) - (peak: 14861576)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '66'
Debug display of 'Fetch module_file_tpl:MenuManager;simple_navigation.tpl start':(0.268232) - (usage: 14701520) - (peak: 14946848)
Debug display of 'Fetch module_file_tpl:MenuManager;simple_navigation.tpl end':(0.290018) - (usage: 14879456) - (peak: 15265224)
Debug display of 'End of Menu Manager Display':(0.290047) - (usage: 14878200) - (peak: 15265224)
Debug display of 'Fetch module_db_tpl:Search;displaysearch start':(0.291995) - (usage: 15057960) - (peak: 15303768)
Debug display of 'CMSModuleDbTemplateResource startSearch;displaysearch':(0.292096) - (usage: 15062200) - (peak: 15309696)
Debug: (0.294211) - (usage: 15069160) - (peak: 15318936)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'Search' and template_name = 'displaysearch' LIMIT  1
Debug display of 'CMSModuleDbTemplateResource endSearch;displaysearch':(0.294306) - (usage: 15065488) - (peak: 15321040)
Debug display of 'Fetch module_db_tpl:Search;displaysearch end':(0.297312) - (usage: 15082512) - (peak: 15455976)
Debug display of 'Fetch globalcontent:footer start':(0.297449) - (usage: 15040920) - (peak: 15455976)
Debug: (0.297515) - (usage: 15044888) - (peak: 15455976)
start global_content_get_template
Debug: (0.298102) - (usage: 15145936) - (peak: 15455976)
Loading /home/comfortz/public_html/zonnepanelen/lib/classes/class.globalcontentoperations.inc.php = 99736 bytes for an approximate total of 4816584
Debug: (0.299547) - (usage: 15151984) - (peak: 15455976)
(mysql): SELECT htmlblob_id, htmlblob_name, html, owner, use_wysiwyg, description, modified_date FROM cms_htmlblobs WHERE htmlblob_name = 'footer' LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.299612) - (usage: 15148456) - (peak: 15455976)
end global_content_get_template
Debug display of 'Fetch globalcontent:footer end':(0.300265) - (usage: 15160600) - (peak: 15455976)
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_body:24 end':(0.30031) - (usage: 15150184) - (peak: 15455976)
Debug: (0.300327) - (usage: 15149296) - (peak: 15455976)
process template head
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_head:24 start':(0.300346) - (usage: 15149960) - (peak: 15455976)
Debug display of 'Start Load Smarty Plugin cms_stylesheet/function':(0.303215) - (usage: 15274368) - (peak: 15515992)
Debug display of 'End Load Smarty Plugin cms_stylesheet/function':(0.303244) - (usage: 15275104) - (peak: 15515992)
Debug: (0.3102) - (usage: 15394040) - (peak: 15673992)
(mysql): SELECT DISTINCT A.css_id,A.css_name,A.css_text,A.modified_date,A.media_type,A.media_query,B.assoc_order
                     FROM cms_css A 
                    LEFT JOIN cms_css_assoc B ON A.css_id = B.assoc_css_id WHERE B.assoc_type = 'template' AND B.assoc_to_id = '24' ORDER BY B.assoc_order
Debug: (0.310802) - (usage: 15395400) - (peak: 15689880)
(mysql): SELECT content_id FROM cms_content WHERE default_content = 1 LIMIT  1
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_head:24 end':(0.311224) - (usage: 15378520) - (peak: 15689880)
Debug: (0.311268) - (usage: 15391320) - (peak: 15689880)
calling module Gallery from event ContentPostRender
Debug: (0.311304) - (usage: 15392000) - (peak: 15689880)
calling module TinyMCE from event ContentPostRender
Debug: (0.311451) - (usage: 15393648) - (peak: 15689880)
calling module Showtime from event ContentPostRender